Taleem Mera Haq

AASS Organization is providing Educational Support to support Orphan, Street & Vulnerable Children through Taleem Mera Haq Progrm . Under the Program, AASS Organization is also working with Formal and Informal Schools for enrollment of non-School going children.  During the last 3 Years, AASS Foundation has supported 1800 + Children under the program. The program is focusing on:

  1. Community Sensitization for Enrollment of Non School Going Boys and Girls up To Primary Grades.
  2. School Adoption (Providing Financial Support to Schools
  3. Provision of Monthly Scholar Ship to Orphan Children during the Year.
  4. Provision of Education Kits (Books, Bags, Uniform) to Vulnerable and Poor Students.
  5. Celebration of Special Days/ Events with Informal/ Community Schools.